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Term Dates

Our central calendar for 2024 - 2025 is below.  This calendar includes the Inset Days set for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

Term 1: 2nd September - 25th October (note children start school on Wednesday 4th September)

INSET DAYS: 2nd & 3rd September

Term 2: 4th November - 20th December

INSET DAY: 15th November

Term 3: 6th January - 14th February

Term 4: 24th February - 4th April

INSET DAY: 14th March

Term 5: 22nd April - 23rd May

Bank Holiday: 5th May

Term 6: 2nd June - 22nd July

INSET DAY: 2nd June

INSET DAY: 27th June

INSET DAYS: 21st & 22nd July

Term Dates 24-25